IDST 126.001 – Triple-I: Values and Prices*
Instructors: Geoffrey Sayre-McCord (PHIL), Patrick Conway (ECON), and Kristin Wilson (BUSI). PHIL TAs: Gabriella Hulsey and Nolan Whitaker. This course meets TR 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. in SC 103.
*This course is scheduled and controlled by The Office of Undergraduate Curricula (OUC). Please direct all registration questions to the OUC’s First-Year Curriculum Specialist, Ben Haven.
Oscar Wilde wisely warns against being someone “who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing” (Lady Windemere’s Fan). Of course, people often use the price as shorthand for value. Useful as this is, it is misleading, too, in ways that matter to critical thinking and rational decision making. In this course, we will be exploring the differences – and connections – between prices and values.
This is a required First-Year Foundations course in the IDEAs in Action curriculum.
Corequisite: IDST 126L – Data Literacy Lab