Writing an Honors Thesis
An Honors Thesis is a substantial piece of independent research that an undergraduate carries out over two semesters. Students writing Honors Theses take PHIL 691H and 692H, in two different semesters. What follows answers all the most common questions about Honors Theses in Philosophy.
All necessary forms are fillable and downloadable.
Honors Thesis Learning Contract
Who can write an Honors Thesis in Philosophy?
Any Philosophy major who has a total, cumulative GPA of at least 3.3 and a GPA of at least 3.5 (with a maximum of one course with a PS grade) among their PHIL courses can in principle write an Honors Thesis. In addition, students need to satisfy a set of specific pre-requisites, as outlined below.
What are the pre-requisites for an Honors Thesis in Philosophy?
The requirements for writing an Honors Thesis in Philosophy include
- having taken at least five PHIL courses, including two numbered higher than 299;
- having a total PHIL GPA of at least 3.5 (with a maximum of one course with a PS grade); and
- having done one of the following four things:
- taken and passed PHIL 397;
- successfully completed an Honors Contract associated with a PHIL course;
- received an A or A- in a 300-level course in the same area of philosophy as the proposed thesis; or
- taken and passed a 400-level course in the same area of philosophy as the proposed thesis.
When should I get started?
You should get started with the application process and search for a prospective advisor the semester before you plan to start writing your thesis – that is, the semester before the one in which you want to take PHIL 691H.
Often, though not always, PHIL 691H and 692H are taken in the fall and spring semesters of the senior year, respectively. It is also possible to start earlier and take 691H in the spring semester of the junior year and PHIL 692H in the fall of the senior year. Starting earlier has some important advantages. One is that it means you will finish your thesis in time to use it as a writing sample, should you decide to apply to graduate school. Another is that it avoids a mad rush near the very end of your last semester.
How do I get started?
Step 1: Fill out the Honors Thesis Application
The first thing you need to do is fill out an Honors Thesis Application and submit it to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for their approval.
Step 2: Find an Honors Thesis Advisor with the help of the DUS
Once you have been approved to write an Honors Thesis, you will consult with the DUS about the project that you have in mind and about which faculty member would be an appropriate advisor for your thesis. It is recommended that you reach out informally to prospective advisors to talk about their availability and interest in your project ahead of time, and that you include those suggestions in your application, but it is not until your application has been approved that the DUS will officially invite the faculty member of your choice to serve as your advisor. You will be included in this correspondence and will receive written confirmation from your prospective advisor.
Agreeing to be the advisor for an Honors Thesis is a major commitment, so bear in mind that there is a real possibility that someone asked to be your advisor will say no. Unfortunately, if we cannot find an advisor, you cannot write an Honors Thesis.
Step 3: Fill out the required paperwork needed to register for PHIL 691H
Finally, preferably one or two weeks before the start of classes (or as soon as you have secured the commitment of a faculty advisor), you need to fill out an Honors Thesis Contract and an Honors Thesis Learning Contract, get them both signed by your advisor, and email them to the DUS.
Once the DUS approves both of these forms, they’ll get you registered for PHIL 691H. All of this should take place no later than the 5th day of classes in any given semester (preferably sooner).
What happens when I take PHIL 691H and PHIL 692H?
PHIL 691H and PHIL 692H are the course numbers that you sign up for to get credit for working on an Honors Thesis. These classes have official meeting times and places. You will meet with your advisor at times you both agree upon.
When you take PHIL 691H, you should meet with your advisor during the first 5 days of classes and, if you have not done so already, fill out an Honors Thesis Learning Contract and turn in to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). This Contract will serve as your course syllabus and must be turned in and approved no later than the 5th day of classes in any given semester (preferably sooner). Once the DUS approves your Honors Thesis Learning Contract, they’ll get you registered for PHIL 691H.
Over the course of the semester, you will meet regularly with your advisor. By the last day of classes, you must turn in a 10-page paper on your thesis topic; this can turn out to be part of your final thesis, but it doesn’t have to. In order to continue working on an Honors Thesis the following semester, this paper must show promise of your ability to complete one, in the opinion of your advisor. Your advisor should assign you a grade of “SP” at the conclusion of the semester, signifying “satisfactory progress” (so you can move on to PHIL 692H). Please see page 3 of this document for more information.
When you take PHIL 692H, you’ll still need to work with your advisor to fill out an Honors Thesis Learning Contract. This Contract will serve as your course syllabus and must be turned in to and approved by the DUS no later than the 5th day of classes in any given semester (preferably sooner).
Once the DUS approves your Honors Thesis Learning Contract, they’ll get you registered for PHIL 692H.
At the end of the second semester of senior honors thesis work (PHIL 692H), your advisor should assign you a permanent letter grade. Your advisor should also change your PHIL 691H grade from “SP” to a permanent letter grade. Please see page 3 of this document for more information.
The Graduate Course Option
If you and your advisor agree, you may exercise the Graduate Course Option. If you do this, then during the semester when you are enrolled in either PHIL 691H or PHIL 692H, you will attend and do the work for a graduate level PHIL course. (You won’t be officially enrolled in that course.) A paper you write for this course will be the basis for your Honors Thesis. If you exercise this option, then you will be excused from the other requirements of the thesis course (either 691H or 692H) that you are taking that semester.
Who can be my advisor?
Any faculty member on a longer-than-one-year contract in the Department of Philosophy may serve as your honors thesis advisor. You will eventually form a committee of three professors, of which one can be from outside the Department. But your advisor must have an appointment in the Philosophy Department. Graduate Students are not eligible to advise Honors Theses.
Who should be my advisor?
Any faculty member on a longer-than-one-year contract in the Department of Philosophy may serve as your honors thesis advisor. It makes most sense to ask a professor who already knows you from having had you as a student in a class. In some cases, though, this is either not possible, or else there is someone on the faculty who is an expert on the topic you want to write about, but from whom you have not taken a class. Information about which faculty members are especially qualified to advise thesis projects in particular areas of philosophy can be found here.
What about the defense?
You and your advisor should compose a committee of three professors (including the advisor) who will examine you and your thesis. Once the committee is composed, you will need to schedule an oral examination, a.k.a. a defense. You should take the initiative here, communicating with all members of your committee in an effort to find a block of time (a little over an hour) when all three of you can meet. The thesis must be defended by a deadline, set by Honors Carolina, which is usually a couple of weeks before the end of classes. Students are required to upload the final version of their thesis to the Carolina Digital Repository by the final day of class in the semester in which they complete the thesis course work and thesis defense.
What is an Honors Thesis in Philosophy like?
An Honors Thesis in Philosophy is a piece of writing in the same genre as a typical philosophy journal article. There is no specific length requirement, but 30 pages (double-spaced) is a good guideline. Some examples of successfully defended Honors The easiest way to find theses of past philosophy students is on the web in the Carolina Digital Repository. Some older, hard copies of theses are located on the bookshelf in suite 107 of Caldwell Hall. (You may ask the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), or anyone else who happens to be handy, to show you where it is!)
How does the Honors Thesis get evaluated?
The honors thesis committee will evaluate the quality and originality of your thesis as well as of your defense and then decides between the following three options:
- they may award only course credit for the thesis work if the thesis is of acceptable quality;
- they may designate that the student graduate with honors if the thesis is of a very strong quality;
- they may recommend that the student graduate with highest honors if the thesis is of exceptional quality.
As a matter of best practice, our philosophy department requires that examining committees refer all candidates for highest honors to our Undergraduate Committee chaired by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. This committee evaluates nominated projects and makes the final decision on awarding highest honors. Highest honors should be awarded only to students who have met the most rigorous standards of scholarly excellence.