Practical Ethics (PHIL 163/001)
Instructor: Daniel Moseley. This course meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. in Caldwell 105.
This course examines and evaluates a spectrum of ethical questions that people regularly encounter in their daily lives. The course will be divided into four parts. First, we’ll discuss some prominent moral theories in order to acquaint students with central disputes and theories in moral philosophy. Second, we’ll discuss philosophical perspectives on life and death. We’ll explore ethical issues that pertain to the beginnings of life (abortion, reproductive technologies, genetic modification and human cloning) and the end of life (euthanasia, whether there is a moral right to die). Third, we’ll discuss vegetarianism, the death penalty, the nature and extent of our duties to persons in need, and justice in the allocation of health care. Fourth, we’ll discuss what it is to find meaning in life.
Daniel Moseley’s webpage