PPE Gateway Course (PHIL 384/POLI 384/ECON 384)
Instructor: Jonny Anomaly. This class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:50 p.m. in Phillips 328. NOTE: This class meets at Duke for the first half of the semester, in Social Sciences 136.
This interdisciplinary gateway course provides an introduction to the conceptual tools used to analyze problems at the intersection of philosophy, politics, and economics. Topics covered include the moral justification of markets, liberty and paternalism, distributive justice, and the use of economic models to understand the behavior of voters and policymakers.
This course meets at Duke for the first half of the semester and at UNC for the second half. Instructor or department permission is required for enrollment. Preference is given to those who have declared the PPE minor.
Jonathan Anomaly’s webpage