PHIL/POLI/ECON 698.002 – Philosophy, Politics, and Economics: Capstone Course
Instructor: Alexandra Oprea. This course meets TR 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. in PE 2066.
The capstone seminar is the final course in PPE sequence. In this course, you will use the readings and class discussions to (1) further your understanding of core concepts from previous PPE courses, (2) discover additional interdisciplinary tools, and (3) apply them to specific topics of philosophical, political, and economic interest. The primary assignment is completing a 15 to 20-page research paper on a PPE topic of your choice. In the first part of the semester, we will discuss readings on topics such as collective action problems, the ethics of capitalism, regulatory politics, immigration, education, healthcare reform, and democratic institutions. In the second part, you will present work in progress and get feedback from your peers.
This course is for graduating senior PPE minors who have taken the 384 Gateway course and have taken (or are taking) all other courses necessary to complete the PPE minor.
For enrollment assistance, please contact our PPE Administrators at
Prerequisite: PHIL/POLI/ECON 384.