Introduction to Ethics (PHIL 160.001)
Instructor: Kiran Bhardwaj. This course meets Monday – Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in Peabody 216.
An Introduction to Ethics is designed to explore how we should live, and what values underpin our decisions for what is right or wrong, and how we can find meaning in life. To do so, we will be reading both excerpts from historical philosophers and some contemporaries who reinterpret or criticize major moral traditions. We will focus on: (i) normative ethics, or how to justify the claims we make about whether something is right/wrong or good/bad (ii) practical ethics, or applications of normative ethics to everyday problems, and (iii) moral psychology, which asks about how we think and reason about moral issues. This is an introductory course, and students are not expected to have any background in philosophy.
Kiran Bhardwaj’s webpage