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Instructor: John T. Roberts. This course meets MW 3:35 – 4:50 p.m. in CW 208.

In this seminar, we will look at some recent philosophical literature on the topic of free will.  (Do humans have free will?  Are we sometimes morally responsible for our actions, or is moral responsibility an illusion?  How should we conceive of what “free will” is, anyway?)  We’ll look both at purely philosophical arguments and at literature that responds to recent developments in neuroscience.  Every student will be required to take at least one turn (and possibly more than one turn) presenting material to the class and leading a discussion.

Recommended for all philosophy majors and minors.

If you would like to take this course to satisfy your area distribution requirements as opposed to your elective courses, please send the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Mariska Leunissen at an email upon completion of the course with your PID, and she will update your Tarheel Tracker.

Prerequisite: 2 PHIL courses.