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Instructor: Kirun Sankaran. This course meets MWF 1:25 – 2:15 p.m. in MU 105.

This course examines some of the key debates in business ethics. Some of the questions we will examine include:

  • Is the sole purpose of businesses the maximization of profit?
  • What, if any, social responsibilities do businesses bear?
  • Are CEOs being paid too much in compensations?
  • Are consumers morally complicit in the unethical practices of businesses from whom they purchase goods and products?
  • How should businesses take environmental concerns into account in their operations?
  • Is price gouging always (or even in most cases) morally wrong?
  • Should dating apps make available the option of filtering out people based on their race or ethnicity?
  • Are there limits to markets? In particular, should we have markets for human organs, reproductive services, and sex work?


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