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Balter Distinguished Lecture: Agnes Callard (Chicago)

Caldwell 213

Frankenvaluers, Sticky Attitudes and Stone-Swallowing: Three Objections to the Hybrid Theory of Valuing What is it to value something?  One might think that valuing is a form of believing—for instance, believing that the object of value is good or worthy.  … Read more

Speaker Series: Cass Sunstein (Harvard)

Caldwell 213

Cass R. Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University “As Judged By Themselves” Do people’s choices make their lives go better? Under what conditions? Consider three distinct answers. (1) In many situations, human beings face a problem of "navigability"; they do … Read more

Department talk: Sarah Stroud, “Conceptual Disagreement”

Caldwell 213

"Conceptual Disagreement" Can you disagree with someone without thinking that what they say (or think) is false? As we shall see, this is not only possible but (we shall argue) quite frequent. But we will reach this conclusion only via … Read more

Department Talk: Paul Hurley, “Exiting The Consequentialist Circle”

Caldwell 213

“Exiting The Consequentialist Circle: Two Senses of Bringing It About” Paul Hurley Abstract: Consequentialism is a state of affairs centered moral theory that finds support in state of affairs centered views of value, reason, action, and desire/preference.  Together these views … Read more

Talk: Justin Snedegar (St Andrews)

Caldwell 213

"Deliberation, Reasons, and Alternatives" Abstract: Many philosophers hold that normative reasons for action must be (perhaps among other things) good premises for deliberation about what to do. This opens up the possibility of arguing for certain claims about the nature … Read more

Speaker Series: Jenann Ismael (University of Arizona)

Caldwell 213

Jenann Ismael will present a Speaker Series talk.  "Human Action Through the Lenses of Physics" This is a big picture talk that discusses the question of how human action (and more specifically decision) fits into the kind of deterministic dynamical … Read more

Speaker Series: Carla Merino-Rajme (Arizona State)

Caldwell 213

Professor Carla Merino-Rajme will present "The Experience of Duration", as part of our annual Speaker Series. Abstract: How do we experience the duration of an event? What is it to experience today’s jog as lasting twice as long as yesterday’s? Why does … Read more