Contributions to the Philosophy Department
Online giving to the UNC Department of Philosophy is easy and secure. Simply follow the link below to make your gift, then select your area of support from the drop-down box marked “please select a fund”:
Department of Philosophy Online Giving
We appreciate your interest in supporting the teaching and research of the Department of Philosophy. We are grateful to our alumni, friends and donors, without whom we could not sustain the level of excellence and innovation clearly apparent in the work of our students and faculty.
Thanks to generous private support, we continue to provide an extraordinary education to our students at both the undergraduate and the graduate level, even in these days of lean University budgets. In fact, we are consistently ranked as among the very best departments in the world. Continued (and, indeed, increased) private giving is crucial to our success in the future.
We recently received a generous donation from Sally Smith in honor of Dr. Jehangir N. Chubb. To learn more about Dr. Chubb, please see here.
Please consider a gift to the Philosophy Department today.
For more information, please feel free to contact me (at 919.962.2486 or or the Arts & Sciences Foundation (at 919.962.0108 or
Thank you!
Matt Kotzen
Professor and Chair
UNC Chapel Hill Department of Philosophy