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WIP: Luke Elson

213 Caldwell Hall

"Vague Objective Chances" There have been some recent arguments that the Best System account of chances will lead to vague or unsharp chances, thanks to vagueness in what will count as the best system. I'll argue that unsharp chances should … Read more

WIP: John Lawless

213 Caldwell Hall

"Negative Liberty's Instability” -John Lawless Three conceptions of liberty have dominated Anglophone political philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries, positive, negative, and republican. Though the negative conception (on which a person's freedom varies indirectly with the probability that another … Read more

WIP: Kate Nolfi

213 Caldwell Hall

What Does it Take for our Belief to be Responsive To Reasons? The kinds of mental processing that gives rise to and sustain our beliefs, much like the kinds mental processing that give rise to and sustain our perceptual experiences, … Read more

WIP: Nate Sharadin

213 Caldwell Hall

"Problems for Pure Probabilism about Promotion" Humean promotionalists about reasons think that whether there is a reason for an agent to perform an action depends on whether her performing that action promotes the satisfaction of at least one of her … Read more

WIP talk: John Lawless

213 Caldwell Hall

John Lawless will present a Work-in-Progress talk on "Republican Rights: Beyond Non-Interference". Pizza will be provided!