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Parr Center Lecture: Erin Kelly

Hyde Hall, University Room

“The Failure of Retributive Justice” The belief that people convicted of crimes deserve punishment is commonplace. Yet the punitive conception of individual responsibility commonly associated with retributive justice exaggerates the moral meaning of criminal guilt, normalizes excessive punishment, and distracts … Read more

Workshop in honor of Jerry Postema

Hyde Hall, University Room

The workshop, which will be filled with talks and comments by, and discussions with, some of Jerry’s students over the years, will include lunch and then a dinner party at Jerry and Leslie’s home, where philosophers will be joined by … Read more

Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream

Hyde Hall, University Room

The American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institute released “A Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream.”   The PPE Program is hosting a one day intensive seminar, with two of the co-authors, Robert Doar (AEI) and Richard Reeves (Brookings), and … Read more

Chapel Hill MetaEthics Workshop

Hyde Hall, University Room

This is a small research workshop to discuss works in progress. We will be discussing papers by Julia Driver, Zöe Johnson King, Stephanie Leary, Sarah McGrath, and Sarah Stroud Other out of town participants include Jan Dowell, Jamie Dreier, Robert Johnson, … Read more

Parr Center Presents: Adelle Waldman

Hyde Hall, University Room

Reading Austen and Eliot in the #MeToo Era Adelle Waldman, author of the acclaimed novel The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P, discusses the moral orientation of the Victorian novel of manners in the context of the #MeToo movement. 19th century novelists … Read more

Conference on Inference and Reasoning

Hyde Hall, University Room

To infer is to draw a conclusion from some premises.  To reason is to consider what conclusion to draw from some premises.  But how, more specifically, do these acts differ from the many other mental acts that agents can perform? … Read more

PPE Talk: Tyler Cowen

Hyde Hall, University Room

Tyler Cowen will present "The Complacent Class". Tyler Cowen is an economist at George Mason University. His most recent book, The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream was published January 2017. He writes a column for Bloomberg View and contributes daily … Read more

Difficult Faculty Conversations: Gender Equity in Higher Education

Hyde Hall, University Room

As college professors, how can we ethically and effectively resist sexism and cissexism on campus, in academia, and in society more generally? This question arises in all aspects of our work. For example, in our research we face questions about … Read more

Ethics Around the Table with Rachel Schaevitz

Hyde Hall, University Room

Rachel joined the Program in Humanities and Human Values for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Public Humanities through Fall 2017.  She comes to Chapel Hill from Philadelphia, where she earned her Ph.D. in Media & Communication from Temple University, … Read more

Ethics Around the Table: Ariana Vigil

Hyde Hall, University Room

Join the Parr Center for an Ethics Around the Table with Dr. Ariana Vigil. Dr. Vigil conducts research and teaching in the field Latina/o literature, focusing on issues of activism, transnationalism, and gender and sexuality. Other areas of interest include: Central American-American … Read more