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Speaker Series: Quayshawn Spencer (Penn)

213 Caldwell Hall

A Radical Solution to the Race Problem Quayshawn Spencer Abstract. Recent work in population genetics has revealed that the human species naturally subdivides into five major biological populations: Africans, Caucasians, East Asians, Native Americans, and Oceanians.  Since the discovery of … Read more

Teaching Workshop

213 Caldwell Hall

Classroom Pedagogy: Fostering Fruitful Classroom Discussion In-class discussion are a key part of any teacher’s pedagogical toolkit. But why—what purpose do they serve? What makes for a good, or bad, classroom discussion, and how can we ensure we get the … Read more

Speaker Series: Sally Haslanger (MIT)

213 Caldwell Hall

Conceptual Amelioration: Going on, Not in the Same Way In this paper I argue that there are two ways to think about conceptual amelioration on a model according to which the content of a concept is to be understood as … Read more

Teaching Workshop

213 Caldwell Hall

Syllabus Design and Learning Goals Jessi Addison, Aliosha Barranco López, and Tamara Fakhoury will lead this workshop on integrating syllabus design. We’ll focus on identifying key learning goals and using them to backwards design a syllabus. Lunch will be provided!

Dept Talk: Robin Celikates

213 Caldwell Hall

Robin Celikates, Can Digital Disobedience Be Civil? In recent years the Internet has not only expanded the repertoire of contestation by providing new tools for political protest, it has also emerged as an object and arena of contestation in its … Read more

Teaching Workshop

213 Caldwell Hall

Teaching Workshop: Managing Crisis in and outside the Classroom Although it doesn't happen often, sometimes instructors have to deal with crisis during the course of a semester. This workshop will equip you with (or refresh your memory with respect to) … Read more

Chapel Hill PPE Workshop

213 Caldwell Hall

An intensive one day workshop on papers in progress by Chris Howard, Alex Marcoci, Alex Oprea, and Dan Shahar. Lunch and dinner provided. Please register HERE.