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Teaching Assistant Professor

Adam Hollowell (he/him) joined the Philosophy Department in 2023 as Teaching Assistant Professor and instructor of PHIL 163H: Practical Ethics: Moral Reasoning and How We Live for the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program. He is an author, teacher, and ethicist whose work addresses social inequality and promotes collective efforts for a more just world.

Hollowell is the author of You Mean It or You Don’t: James Baldwin’s Radical Challenge (Broadleaf Books, 2022), co-written with Jamie McGhee. He has published essays in The Pandemic Divide: How COVID-19 Increased Inequality in America (Duke University Press, 2022) and Just War Thinkers: From Cicero to the 21st Century (Routledge, 2017), as well as articles on a wide range of topics in Men and Masculinities, the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue, the Journal of American College Health, the International Journal of Public Theology, and the Journal of Popular Music Studies.

Hollowell holds a PhD in theological ethics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and a bachelor’s degree in religious studies and philosophy from Duke University.