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North Carolina High School Ethics Bowl

Teams from across the state of North Carolina will travel to UNC - Chapel Hill to compete on January 30, 2016 (rescheduled from 1/23 due to inclement weather), in an annual event hosted by the Parr Center. If you are … Read more

Difficult Faculty Conversations: Trigger Warnings

Hyde Hall, University Room

What are trigger warnings, and what are the costs and benefits of integrating them into our teaching? More generally, what should we do when the need to confront uncomfortable ideas in the classroom seems to conflict with the need to … Read more

Parr Center Talk: Matt Adler

Hyde Hall, Incubator Room

Matthew Adler will present, “Fairness, Claims and Prioritarianism: Accounting for Responsibility and Desert” Abstract: The literature on “luck egalitarianism” seeks to refine criteria of distributive justice so as to take account of differential individual responsibility and/or desert.   Intuitively, as between … Read more

Ethics Around the Table: Mike Christian

Hyde Hall, University Room

Join us for a Parr Center "Ethics Around the Table" presentation: Slippery Slopes to Sleep Deprivation: Why Good People do Bad Things at Work Mike Christian’s research focuses on understanding how energy, engagement, self-control and other self-regulatory processes affect behavior … Read more

Philosophy @ the Movies: “Inside Out”

213 Caldwell Hall

Join us for a screening of "Inside Out", and a philosophical discussion led by Jeff Sebo (Associate Director, Parr Center for Ethics). Dinner will be provided! This event is free and open to all students. Jeff Sebo (PhD 2011, NYU) … Read more

Difficult Faculty Conversations: Objectivity in the Classroom

Hyde Hall, University Room

Difficult Faculty Conversations: Objectivity in the Classroom   What is the meaning and value of objectivity in the classroom? Should college instructors aspire to be as neutral as possible in our presentation of course material, or can we permissibly be … Read more

Ethics Around the Table: Richard Andrews

Hyde Hall, University Room

Join us for a Parr Center "Ethics Around the Table" event! Richard (“Pete”) Andrews is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Public Policy, UNC College of Arts and Sciences; also in the Department of City and Regional Planning and in … Read more

Ethics Around the Table: Kimberly Brownlee

Hyde Hall, University Room

Kimberley Brownlee  is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick. Her recent work has focused on civil disobedience, conscience, conviction, and punishment. Her current work focuses on social rights, freedom of association, and social virtues. She is the author of Conscience and … Read more

Philosophy Department Graduation Ceremony

Murphey 116

Please join us in celebration and recognition of our class of 2016 graduates! Our ceremony will be followed by an outdoor reception (rain or shine) with light refreshments, and cake. All are welcome, and tickets are not required. For information … Read more

Philosophy @ the Movies: Lemonade

213 Caldwell Hall

Beyonce's visual album, Lemonade, is raw, passionate, mesmerizing, bold, defiant, fresh, colorful, and philosophical. If you haven't seen it, come watch it. If you have seen it, come watch it again. Discussion to follow. Hosted by Joanna Lawson, Macy Salzberger, … Read more