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Speaker Series: Hartry Field (NYU)

213 Caldwell Hall

“Epistemology from an Evaluativist Perspective” Abstract: I’ll articulate a kind of “evaluativist” (“non-descriptivist”?) view of epistemology, and contrast it with both normative realist views and reliabilist views.  Much of the focus will be on how this metaphilosophical perspective can affect ground-level … Read more

Speaker Series: Michael Pelczar (University of Singapore)

213 Caldwell Hall

"Phenomenalism Redux" Abstract: Everyone knows about the mind-body problem. Less well-known is the fact that philosophers originally took it to be a problem about the nature of body, rather than a problem about the nature of mind. This paper returns … Read more

End of the Year Party

Join us for an evening of food & drink to celebrate the close of another year with UNC Philosophy! All are welcome! For directions, please email Katie at