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Speaker Series: Beatrice Longuenesse (NYU)

This event will be held virtually over Zoom. Abstract for Conflicting Logics of the Mind. Lessons from Kant and Freud Béatrice Longuenesse, New York University In previous work, I have claimed that Sigmund Freud’s and Immanuel Kant’s respective views of … Read more

Balter Distinguished Lecture: Juliana Bidadanure (Stanford)

Title: Justice Across Ages Optional sub-title: What Does it Mean to Treat Young and Old as Equals? Abstract: Age structures our lives and societies. It shapes social institutions, roles, and relationships, as well as how we assign obligations and entitlements … Read more

Parr Center Presents: Nick Riggle (University of San Diego)

Graham Memorial Room 039

“This Beauty: A Philosophy of Being Alive” Why, if at all, should you value what you didn’t choose? The question applies to life itself: why should you value this life that you were unwittingly given? We encounter clues to this … Read more