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PPE Talk: Abhi Nemani

Caldwell 105 ,

“Exit, Voice… or Hack: How PPE Hard Wires You For Fixing Government” by Abhi Nemani Nemani is the cofounder of EthosLabs, "a new company built to connect the dots between governments looking to do things differently, and startups ready to … Read more

PPE Talk: Alex Voorhoev

Caldwell 208

‘Healthy Nails versus Long Lives: The Psychology, Theory and Practice of Weighing Small against Large Harms’ Alex Voorhoev is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method at LSE.  He works broadly in political philosophy and … Read more

PPE Talk: Jennifer Morton

Caldwell 105 ,

Jennifer Morton is an assistant professor of philosophy at the City College of New York and a senior fellow at the Center for Ethics and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Rags to Riches: Change in Context and Deliberation" Pizza will … Read more

PPE Talk: Tyler Cowen

Hyde Hall, University Room

Tyler Cowen will present "The Complacent Class". Tyler Cowen is an economist at George Mason University. His most recent book, The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream was published January 2017. He writes a column for Bloomberg View and contributes daily … Read more

Parr Center Presents: Laurie Shrage

Caldwell 105 ,

"Contract Sex: Decriminalization vs. Legalization" Why are sex worker rights groups advocating for decriminalizing sex work, but not for legalizing it? In this paper, I will explain why efforts to decriminalize sex work deserve the same support as efforts to … Read more

Happiness and Well-Being: a one-day conference

Bringing together three experts on the nature of happiness and well-being -- Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University), Carol Graham (the Brookings Institute), Dan Russell (University of Arizona) -- this one-day workshop is designed to bring participants up to speed on current … Read more

PPE Talk: Sarah Conly

Caldwell 105 ,

Title: TBA Professor Conly is the author of of Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism (Cambridge University Press 2013) and One Child: Do We Have a Right to More? (Oxford University Press, 2016), and a broad range of articles on related … Read more

PPE Talk: Richard Reeves

Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute. He works on "social mobility, inequality, and family change." Before his time at Brookings, he served as Director of Strategy for the UK's Deputy Prime Minister.

PPE Talk: Cass Sunstein (Harvard)

Bingham 103

How Good Looking Are You? Brains, Optimism, and Climate Change  People are frequently exposed to competing evidence about climate change. We examined how new information alters people’s beliefs. We find that people who doubt that man-made climate change is occurring, and … Read more