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National Undergraduate PPE Colloquium 2023

Caldwell 213

  This is an invitational colloquium that brings some of the best PPE undergraduates from around the country to Chapel Hill for two days of intensive discussion of material that has been read in advance. Schedule below is in-progress. FRIDAY … Read more

Chapel Hill PPE Workshop

Caldwell 213

An intensive one-day workshop for faculty and graduate students on papers-in-progress by our PPE Teaching Assistant Professors. Agenda: 8:30 am Breakfast and Conversation 9:00 – 10:20 am Erik Zhang, “Promising to Do Wrong” 10:30 – 11:50 am Samuel Dishaw, “Solidarity … Read more

PPE General Information Meeting

Want to understand the complex world in which we live? Consider UNC’s five-course minor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics that lets you satisfy Gen. Ed. requirements with an assortment of courses that together add up to more than the sum of their parts. The PPE … Read more