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PPE Conference on Economics and Social Change

Speakers include Geoffrey Brennan and Michael Munger (both past-Presidents of the Public Choice Society), Bruce Caldwell (Director of The Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke), Georg Vanberg (Associate Editor for the journal Public Choice), Loren Lomasky (Director of the Political Philosophy, Policy and Law Program at the University of … Read more

PPE Program Workshop

213 Caldwell Hall

A workshop for directors of PPE Programs from around the country.

Visiting Professor Workshop

Caldwell 213

A small workshop for the Visiting Professors and others in the philosophy and PPE community. Session I: 9:30 – 11:00 Alexander Jech “What has Athens to do with Rome? De Tocqueville and Republican Liberty” Session II: 11:10 -12:40 Molly Gardner … Read more

PPE Talk: Michael Zuckert

Caldwell 105 Caldwell 105 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill

"Launching Liberalism: Philosophic Anthropology and the Leviathan State" Michael Zuckert, the Nancy R. Dreux Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, works in  Political Theory and Constitutional Studies.  He is the author ofNatural Rights and the New Republicanism, theNatural Rights … Read more

PPE Talk: Matthew Adler

Caldwell 213

“Morality and Cost Benefit Analysis” on "Morality and Cost Benefit Analysis."Professor Adler has recently joined Duke as the Richard A. Horvitz Professor of Law and Professor of Economics, Philosophy, and Public Policy.

PPE Talk: Jessica Flanigan

Hamilton 100

All Liberty is Basic: Why Trivial Rights Merit Legal Recognition. Jessica Flanigan, Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies and Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law, at the University of Richmond, has research interests in the ethics of business and medicine, law, and … Read more

PPE Talk: James Otteson

Caldwell 213

"Adam Smith on Justice and Social Justice" James Otteson, Executive Director of the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism at Wake Forest, specializes in Adam Smith. Before moving to Wake Forest this Fall, he was a joint professor of … Read more

PPE Talk: Michael Moehler

Caldwell 213

"The Rawls-Harsanyi Dispute: A Moral Point of View" Michael Moehler is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Virigina Tech.  He works primarily on political philosophy. Before moving there he was a visiting professor in UNC's PPE Program.

PPE: Measuring Happiness and Well-Being

Hyde Hall

This is a public event exploring the questions raised by attempts to measure happiness. Invited speakers:Matthew Adler, Dan Ariely, Paul Dolan, and Carol Graham.