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Talk: A Theory of Justice

A Game-Theoretic Analysis and Critique of John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice with Robert Wolff, sponsored by PPE and Parr Center for Ethics.

Speaker Series: Ken Taylor (Stanford)

Neither a Populist nor a Vanguardist Be: Respecting the Will and Wisdom of the People Abstract: This paper considers three different conceptions of “the people” and what it means to “respect” their collective  will and wisdom: (a) the democratic conception of the … Read more

Polanyi Visitor Talk: David Albert (Columbia)

"How to teach Quantum Mechanics - Part I"   Abstract: Albert distinguishes between two conceptually different kinds of physical space: a space of ordinary material bodies, which is the space of points at which one could imaginably place (say) the … Read more

Speaker Series: Paul Horwich (NYU)

Caldwell 105 Caldwell 105 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill

"The Nature of Necessity" My talk will be about the concept of ‘necessity’ – the idea that some propositions are not merely true, but necessarily true. Or, to put it in less technical-sounding terms, that certain facts have to obtain; that things … Read more

Speaker Series: Sam Berstler

Caldwell Hall 240 E. Cameron Ave, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

"I Didn’t Do It: Very Implausible Denials and Social Unreality" Abstract: When I make a very implausible denial, I deny phi-ing, in a context in which (1) before I speak, it is common knowledge that I phi-ed and (2) after I … Read more