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Speaker Series Talk: Pamela Hieronymi (UCLA)

213 Caldwell Hall

Pamela Hieronymi is spending the 2011-2012 academic year at Stanford, as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.  Her main research interests include ethics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, moral responsibility and free will.

Speaker: John Roberts

213 Caldwell Hall

"Counterfactuals, Our Place in the Cosmos, and All That."

Speaker Series Talk: Imogen Dickie (Toronto)

213 Caldwell Hall

Imogen Dickie is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. Her current research interests include reference, acquaintance, and perception. Title: Reference is Justificatory Focus - the Case of Proper Names. Abstract: I will show how the claim that justification … Read more

Talk: Alyssa Ney

Caldwell 213

Fundamental Physical Ontologies and the Constraint of Empirical Coherence Abstract: Several authors (Healey 2002, Maudlin 2007) have argued for an empirical coherence constraint on fundamental physical theories - theories must include among their ontologies the types of entities that constitute … Read more

PPE Talk: Michael Zuckert

Caldwell 105 Caldwell 105 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill

"Launching Liberalism: Philosophic Anthropology and the Leviathan State" Michael Zuckert, the Nancy R. Dreux Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, works in  Political Theory and Constitutional Studies.  He is the author ofNatural Rights and the New Republicanism, theNatural Rights … Read more

Talk: Holly Smith

Caldwell 213

"The Moral Duty to Inform Oneself Before Acting." Professor Smith is in the Department of Philosophy at Rutgers University. She specializes in moral theory. Abstract: We commonly assume there is a strong moral duty to inform oneself before making a morally … Read more

PPE Talk: Matthew Adler

Caldwell 213

“Morality and Cost Benefit Analysis” on "Morality and Cost Benefit Analysis."Professor Adler has recently joined Duke as the Richard A. Horvitz Professor of Law and Professor of Economics, Philosophy, and Public Policy.

Talk: Virginia Held

Caldwell 213

Professor Held is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the City University of New York. She specializes in Social and political philosophy, ethics, and feminist philosophy.  Details about her talk are below. Title: Distributive Justice and the Ethics … Read more