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Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry Talk: Jennifer Hawkins (Duke University)

213 Caldwell Hall

Jennifer Hawkins (Trent Scholar in Bioethics, Associate Research Professor of Philosophy, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Duke University) will present her work-in-progress paper Happiness, Unhappiness and Suffering at the next PPRG meeting, which will be Tuesday, May 13 from 7:00 - 8:30pm … Read more

Speaker Series: Carla Merino-Rajme (Arizona State)

Caldwell 213

Professor Carla Merino-Rajme will present "The Experience of Duration", as part of our annual Speaker Series. Abstract: How do we experience the duration of an event? What is it to experience today’s jog as lasting twice as long as yesterday’s? Why does … Read more

Speaker Series: Daniel Nolan (ANU)

213 Caldwell Hall

Daniel Nolan will present "Hyperintensional Metaphysics", as part of our annual Speaker Series. Please note that because it is a Monday occurrence of the Speaker Series, this talk will begin at 1:00 p.m.

Speaker: Adam Cureton (University of Tennessee)

213 Caldwell Hall

Adam Cureton will give a talk entitled, "Making Room For Rules". Reception to follow, all are encouraged to attend! Abstract: Kantian moral theories must explain how their most basic moral values of dignity and autonomy should be interpreted and applied … Read more

Speaker Series: Miriam Schoenfield (University of Texas)

213 Caldwell Hall

Miriam Schoenfield will present "Internalism without Luminosity". Abstract: In this paper I defend a modest internalist claim: there are some purposes for which it is sensible to be interested in a set of exclusively internalist epistemic norms.  I understand an … Read more

Speaker Series: Ned Hall (Harvard)

213 Caldwell Hall

Professor Ned Hall will give a paper in our Speaker Series, "On some connections between explanation, necessity, and grounding”. Abstract: Gideon Rosen begins his (excellent) paper “Metaphysical Dependence” with a “plea for ideological toleration” – of the notion of grounding (and closely … Read more

Speaker Series: Andrew Chignell (Cornell)

213 Caldwell Hall

Andrew Chignell will give a talk, “Modal Motivations for Noumenal Ignorance", as part of our annual Speaker Series. Andrew is an Associate Professor in Cornell's Susan Linn Sage School of Philosophy, with secondary appointments in German Studies and Religious Studies. … Read more

PPE Speaker: Cristina Bicchieri

Caldwell 105 ,

Professor Bicchieri will give a talk titled, "I Am So Angry I Am Going To Help You.”  Bicchieri works at the borders between philosophy, game theory and psychology.  She is the author of The Grammar of Society: the Nature and … Read more