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Speaker Series: Andrew Chignell (Cornell)

213 Caldwell Hall

Andrew Chignell will give a talk, “Modal Motivations for Noumenal Ignorance", as part of our annual Speaker Series. Andrew is an Associate Professor in Cornell's Susan Linn Sage School of Philosophy, with secondary appointments in German Studies and Religious Studies. … Read more

PPE Speaker: Cristina Bicchieri

Caldwell 105 ,

Professor Bicchieri will give a talk titled, "I Am So Angry I Am Going To Help You.”  Bicchieri works at the borders between philosophy, game theory and psychology.  She is the author of The Grammar of Society: the Nature and … Read more

Practice Job Talk: Craig Warmke

213 Caldwell Hall

Craig Warmke will present his talk, "Modal Intensionalism". Abstract: A possible world is a way the world could have been. Given that there are infinitely many ways the world could have been, a proposition is necessary according to possible worlds … Read more

Practice Job Talk: Jen Kling

213 Caldwell Hall

Jen Kling will present, "Supreme Emergencies? They Don’t Exist. And Even If They Did…" Abstract: In this paper, I discuss non-combatant immunity in extreme wartime situations. Contra several well-known just war theorists, I argue that intentionally attacking non-combatants, even in … Read more

Speaker Series: Janum Sethi, “Kant on Empirical Self-Consciousness”

213 Caldwell Hall

Janum Sethi (University of California - Berkeley) will present a talk, "Kant on Empirical Self-Consciousness". A reception will follow. Abstract: Kant is often acknowledged as being the first to clearly distinguish between two kinds of self-consciousness: consciousness of oneself as … Read more

Parr Center Talk: Russ Shafer-Landau

Caldwell 105 ,

Russ Shafer-Landau, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin/Madison, works in metaethics and moral theory. He is the author of The Fundamentals of Ethics (Oxford, 2012) and its companion volume,  The Ethical Life (Oxford, 2012) written to introduce people … Read more

Speaker Series: Russ Shafer-Landau

Caldwell 213

Russ Shafer-Landau, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin/Madison, works in metaethics and moral theory. He is the author of The Fundamentals of Ethics (Oxford, 2012) and its companion volume,  The Ethical Life (Oxford, 2012) written to introduce people … Read more

Philosophy in 15 Minutes

Gerrard Hall

Philosophy in 15 Minutes Do you like thinking about Big Ideas (about justice, fate, God, knowledge, morality, mind, causation, space and time)? Join us for an evening of food and drink, and fifteen minutes of Philosophy with faculty members Doug … Read more