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Reis-Dennis wins Mellon/ACLS and Newcombe Fellowships

March 21, 2016

Graduate student Sam Reis-Dennis has won both a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (which he will accept) and a Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (which he will decline) for the 2016-17 academic year. Congratulations, Sam!

Swartzer wins APPE Early Career Scholar Award

February 21, 2016

Steven Swartzer has won the 2016 Early Career Scholar Prize in Practical and Professional Ethics awarded by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.

Staley Wins Staff Scholarship

February 4, 2016

Sandy Staley, the Philosophy Department Manager, has won the Janet B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship from the UNC Systems Staff Assembly. Congratulations, Sandy!

Swartzer Paper Wins Award

January 15, 2016

Steve Swartzer’s paper, “Punishment and Democratic Rights”, has won the award for best paper by an early career scholar from the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Congratulations, Steve!