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Two University of North Carolin at Chapel Hill Ph.D. candidates have been named Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows for 2019 by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.

Keshav Singh, a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy, and Dwight Tanner, a Ph.D. candidate in English and Comparative Literature, are among their year’s class of 23 Fellows.

The Newcombe Fellowship is the nation’s largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious values. Each Fellow will receive a 12-month award of $25,000 to support their final year of dissertation work.

Keshav’s dissertation, titled Rational Agency and Normative Achievement, argues that we deserve credit for acting rightly, believing the truth, and satisfying other standards, when we meet those standards in virtue of responding to the reasons that ground them.


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