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IDEAs in Action: Which curricular requirements does this course satisfy?

Instructor: Ram Neta. This course meets via remote, all asynchronous (RA) instruction.

Welcome to Philosophy 105! During this course, we’ll learn how to identify the arguments that are being given in support of various conclusions, how to assess those arguments, and how to make good inferences from information that we are given. Topics will include argument reconstruction, informal logic, fallacies, introductory formal logic, and probabilistic reasoning. Consequently, the course will fit the needs of learners who aspire to improve their critical thinking skills.

This course is being taught by Ram Neta. He has recorded videos for this course together with Professor Walter Sinnott-Armstrong of Duke University. Although both Neta and Sinnott-Armstrong appear in the online videos, Ram Neta is the sole instructor of record for this course.

For each lesson, you will watch a series of videos and complete corresponding practice exercises. At the end of each unit, you will write a paper, take a series of quizzes online, and then begin on the next unit. The course will culminate with an online final exam.