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IDEAs in Action: Which curricular requirements does this course satisfy?

Instructor: Gerard Rothfus. This course meets MW 3:35 – 4:50 p.m. in WG 304.

This course serves as the capstone of the PPE sequence and aims to apply ideas and tools taken from all three branches of PPE to investigate various matters of contemporary and perennial interest. The course will be structured as a Great Ideas in PPE seminar, focused on exploring central topics like justice, social welfare, and forecasting. Assessment will take into account participation, homework, and a final PPE Capstone project/presentation.


This course is for graduating senior PPE minors who have (1) taken the 384 Gateway course and (2) have taken (or are taking) all other courses necessary to complete the PPE minor.

For enrollment assistance, please contact our PPE Administrators at

Prerequisite: PHIL/POLI/ECON 384.