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Instructor: Luc Bovens. This course meets TR 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in CW 103.

This capstone seminar will be focused on the welfare state and social safety net design. We will discuss topics such as equality, poverty, disability, health care, paternalism, in-kind versus cash benefits, universal basic income, nudge interventions, welfare provisions in blue versus red states, … We will address these topics from the angles of political philosophy, political science, public policy and economics. The class will be run as a seminar in which students explore the literature, prepare group presentations, and lead the class discussion. Students will write one final paper on a topic that is within the thematic of the course and present their research to the class.


This course is for graduating senior PPE minors who have (1) taken the 384 Gateway course and (2) have taken (or are taking) all other courses necessary to complete the PPE minor.

For enrollment assistance, please contact our PPE Administrators at

Prerequisite: PHIL/POLI/ECON 384.