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IDEAs in Action: Which curricular requirements does this course satisfy?

Instructor: John T. Roberts. This course meets MWF 9:05 – 9:55 a.m. in PE 2066.

This course is an introduction to logic, the field that studies the structure of valid reasoning (about any subject matter). We will use a simple artificial language to reconstruct pieces of reasoning, and we will master a variety of formal tools for evaluating such pieces as valid or invalid.

We will also spend the last portion of the semester learning one of the most important theorems of mathematical logic over the past 100 years: Goedel’s Incompleteness Theorem.

The course has no prerequisites. Though it is a Philosophy course, there are respects in which it will be more like a math course: For instance, the required work will be problem-solving, rather than paper-writing. Students in this course will not be required to purchase a textbook (we will use a text that you can get a pdf of for free).


Honors course enrollment and wait list procedures are located here. Please direct all registration questions to Jenn Marshburn (, Enrolled Student Services Coordinator for Honors Carolina.