Sayre-McCord Publications
- “Hume’s Robust Theory of Practical Reason,” in Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason, ed. by Ruth Chang and Kurt Sylvan (Routledge, 2021), pp. 141-1
- “Hume’s Theory of Public Reason” in Public Reason in Political Philosophy: Classic Sources and Contemporary Commentaries, edited by Gerald Gaus and Piers Turner (Routledge, 2017), pp. 303-329.
- “On Cooperation” with Geoffrey Brennan, in Analyse & Kritik, January 2018, Vol. 40, pp. 107-130.
- “Do Normative Facts Matter… to What is Feasible” with Geoffrey Brennan, in Social Philosophy and Policy (2016), vol. 33, #1-2, pp. 434 – 456.
“Hume on the Artificial Virtues,” in The Oxford Handbook of David Hume, edited by Paul Russell (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 435-469.
“Voting and Causal Responsibility, Final version, July 2, 2014” with Geoff Brennan, in Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, edited by David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne, and Steven Wall (Oxford University Press, 2015), pp. 36-59.
- “Hume and Smith on Sympathy, Approbation, and Moral Judgment” in Social Philosophy and Policy, vol. 30, #1-2 (2014), pp. 208-236. To be reprinted in Sympathy, edited by Eric Schliesser (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
- “Desires… and Beliefs… of One’s Own,” with Michael Smith, in Rational and Social Agency: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Bratman, edited by Manuel Vargas and Gideon Yaffe. (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
- “Moral Realism” in The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, edited by Hugh La Follette (Blackwell, 2012), pp. 4365-4382.
- “Moral Epistemology,” in The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, edited by Hugh La Follette (Blackwell, 2012), pp. 1674-1688.
- “Moral Skepticism,” in the Routledge Companion to Epistemology, edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard (Routledge, 2010), pp. 464-474.
- “Sentiments and Spectators: Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Judgment,” in The Philosophy of Adam Smith, edited by Vivienne Brown and Samuel Fleischacker (Routledge, 2010), pp. 124-144.
- “Hume on Practical Morality and Inert Reason,” in Oxford Studies in Metaethics, edited by Russ Shafer-Landau (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 299-320.
- “Moral Semantics and Empirical Enquiry,” in Moral Psychology: the Cognitive Science of Morality, edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (MIT Press, 2007), pp. 403-412.
- “Coherentism and the Justification of Moral Beliefs,” in Ethical Theory, edited by Russ Shafer-Landau (Blackwell Press, 2007), pp. 123-139. (This is a shortened version of “Coherentist Epistemology and Moral Theory,” below.)
- “Metaethics,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward Zalta (January 2007), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
- Hume’s Moral Philosophy edited, with an extended introductory essay (Hackett, 2006).
- “Moral Realism,” in The Oxford Handbook of Moral Theory, edited by David Copp (Oxford University Press, 2006).
- “Moral Realism,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward Zalta (October 2005), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
- “On the Relevance of Ignorance to the Demand’s of Morality,” in Rationality, Rules, and Ideals: Critical Essays on Bernard Gert’s Moral Theory, edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Robert Audi (Rowman and Littlefield, 2002), pp. 51-70.
- “In Defense of Reparations: A Reply to Estlund and Gaus,” in Legal and Political Philosophy, Social, Political & Legal Philosophy, Vol. 1, edited by Enrique Villanueva (Rodopi: New York, 2002), pp. 371-383.
- “Criminal Justice and Legal Reparations as an Alternative to Punishment,” in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Philosophical Issues, 11, ed. by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva (Blackwell: Boston, 2001), pp. 502-529. Reprinted in Legal and Political Philosophy, Social, Political & Legal Philosophy, Vol. 1, ed. by Enrique Villanueva (Rodopi: New York, 2002), pp. 307-338.
- “Mill’s ‘Proof’ of the Principle of Utility: A More Than Half-Hearted Defense,” in Social Philosophy & Policy, volume 18, number 2 (Spring 2001), 330-360. Reprinted in Moral Epistemology, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Miller, Jr., and Jeffrey Paul (Cambridge University Press, 2001), 330-360.
- “Contractarianism,” in The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory edited by Hugh LaFollette (Blackwell, 1999), pp. 247-267.
- “Hume’s Representation Argument Against Rationalism,” Manuscrito 20 (1997), pp. 77-94.
- “Moral Knowledge,” in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy edited by Edward Craig (Routledge, 1998).
- “The Metaethical Problem,” Ethics 108 (October 1997), pp. 55-83.
- “‘Good’ on Twin Earth,” Philosophical Issues, vol. 8 (1997), pp. 267-292.
- “Different Kinds of Kind Terms,” Philosophical Issues, vol. 8 (1997), pp. 313-323.
- “Coherentist Epistemology and Moral Theory,” in Moral Knowledge?, edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Mark Timmons (Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 137-189.
- “Hume and the Bauhaus Theory of Ethics,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XX (University of Notre Dame Press, 1996), pp. 280-298. Reprinted in Hume: Moral and Political Philosophy, edited by Rachel Cohon, in The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2000).
- “The Fact/Value Distinction,” in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Robert Audi (Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 260.
- “Fact/Values,” in the Companion to Metaphysics, edited by Ernest Sosa and Jaegwon Kim
(Blackwell, 1995), pp. 165-168. - “On Why Hume’s ‘General Point of View’ Isn’t Ideal — and Shouldn’t Be,” in Social Philosophy & Policy, volume 11, number 1 (Winter 1994), pp. 202-228. Reprinted in Cultural Pluralism and Moral Knowledge, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Miller, Jr., and Jeffrey Paul (Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 202-228.
- “Coherentism,” in The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing, 1992) edited by Lawrence Becker and Charlotte Becker. To be reprinted in the substantially revised and expanded second edition, forthcoming.
- “Normative Explanations,” Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. VII edited by James Tomberlin (1992), pp. 55-72. Reprinted in Social Rules: Origin; Character; Logic; Change, edited by David Braybrooke (Westview Press, 1996), pp. 35-51.
- “Being A Realist About Relativism (in Ethics),” Philosophical Studies 61 (1991), pp. 155-176.
- “Functional Explanations and Reasons as Causes,” Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. IV edited by James Tomberlin (1989), pp. 137-164.
- “Deception and Reasons to be Moral,” American Philosophical Quarterly (April, 1989), pp. 113-122. Reprinted in Rational Choice and Moral Contractarianism, edited by Peter Vallentyne (Cambridge University Press, 1990).
- “Review of The Natural Philosophy of Leibniz, K. Okruhlik and J. Brown (eds.)” Philosophy of Science (1989), pp. 173-174.
- Essays on Moral Realism edited for Cornell University Press, 1988.
- “Moral Theory and Explanatory Impotence,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XII (University of Minnesota Press, 1988), pp. 433-457. Reprinted, as “La théorie morale et l’absence de pouvoir explicatif,” in Le réalisme moral (Presses Universitaires de France, 1999) edited by Ruwen Ogien, pp. 205-246. Reprinted in Moral Theory (Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997) edited by Louis Pojman, pp. 564-579. Reprinted again, in the fourth edition, (Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2001). Reprinted in Meta-Ethics (Dartmouth Publishing Co, 1995) edited by Michael Smith. Reprinted in Essays on Moral Realism.
- “Deontic Logic and the Priority of Moral Theory,” Noûs 20 (1986), pp. 179-197.
- “The Many Moral Realisms,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (1986), Supplement, pp. 1-22. (An issue devoted to the papers delivered at the Spindel Conference on Moral Realism, October 1985.) Reprinted in Essays on Moral Realism.
- “Moral Realism Bibliography,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (1986), Supplement, pp. 143-159.
- “Coherence and Models for Moral Theorizing,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 6 (1985), pp. 170-l90.
- “Logical Positivism and the Demise of ‘Moral Science’,” The Heritage of Logical Positivism, edited by Nicholas Rescher (University of Pittsburgh Philosophy of Science Series, 1985), pp. 83-92.
- “Leibniz, Materialism, and the Relational Account of Space and Time,” Studia Leibnitiana 16 (1984), pp. 204-211.