Thomas Hill has written extensively in ethics, the history of ethics, and political philosophy.
Publications include:
Virtue, Rules, and Justice: Kantian Aspirations (Oxford University Press, 2012); A Blackwell Guide to Kant’s Ethics, edited, (2009); Kant: Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, co-edited with Arnulf Zweig (2003); Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives (2002); Respect, Pluralism and Justice: Kantian Perspectives (2000); Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant’s Moral Theory (1992); and Autonomy and Self-Respect (1991)
Sample essays include: “Servility and Self-Respect,” The Monist (1973); “The Hypothetical Imperative,” Philosophical Review (1973); “Symbolic Protest and Calculated Silence,” Philosophy and Public Affairs(1979); “Humanity as an End in Itself,” Ethics (1980); “Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments,” Environmental Ethics (1983),”Kant’s Argument for the Rationality of Moral Conduct,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (1986); “Weakness of Will and Character,” Philosophical Topics(1986); “The Message of Affirmative Action,” Social Philosophy and Policy (1991); “The Problem of Stability in Political Liberalism,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (1994), “Moral Dilemmas, Gaps, and Residues,” in Moral Dilemmas and Moral Theory, ed. by Mason (1996); “Basic Respect and Cultural Diversity,” The Tanner Lectures on Human Values (1997); “Kantian Autonomy and Contemporary Ideas of Autonomy,” in Sensen, ed., Kant’s Conception of Autonomy (Cambridge University Press, 2013); “Supererogation,” with Adam Cureton, International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. LaFollette (Blackwell), “Stability, A Sense of Justice, and Self-Respect,” A Companion to Rawls, ed. Jon Mandle and David Reidy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014); “Rational Foundations of Human Dignity in Kantian Approaches,” The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity, edited by Duewell, Braarvig, Brownsword, and Mieth (Cambridge University Press (2013), “In Defense of Human Dignity: Comments on Kant and Rosen” in Christopher M. McCrudden, ed., Understanding Human Dignity, Proceedings of the British Academy(Oxford University Press, 2014); “Conscientious Conviction and Conscience,” Criminal Law and Philosophy, (Springer, 2014); “Looking Back: Themes and Appreciation” in Reason, Value, and Respect: Kantian Themes from the Philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr., edited by Mark Timmons and Robert Johnson, (Oxford University Press, 2015); “Virtue and Self-Improvement in Kant’s Ethics,” co-authored with Adam Cureton, in Nancy E. Snow, ed., Cultivating Virtue: Multiple Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2015); “Human Dignity and Tragic Choices,” Presidential Address, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 2016; “Developing Kantian Virtue: Communities, Emotions, and Rules,” The Oxford Handbook of Virtue, with Adam Cureton, edited by Nancy E. Snow (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2018); “Duties and Choices in Philanthropic Giving: A Kantian Perspective,” Philanthropy and Philosophy: Putting Theory into Practice, edited by John Deigh, Jonathan Dancy, and Paul Woodruff (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2018); and Disability in Practice: Attitudes, Policies, and Relationships, co-edited with Adam Cureton, (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2018).