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Assistant Professor
Core Faculty, Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program

Caldwell Hall, 203

Daniel Muñoz joined UNC as an assistant professor. He also serves as Director of UNC’s Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Speaker Series, President of the American Association of Mexican Philosophers, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Moral Philosophy. He received his BA from UT Austin (2014) and his PhD from MIT (2019).
Daniel’s work mostly counts as “normative ethics,” which means it’s too concrete to be “meta,” but not concrete enough to be useful. His first book, with Sarah Stroud (UNC), is 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments in Ethical Theory (Routledge, 2024). He’s also finishing up another book on ethics, entitled What We Owe to Ourselves (for OUP). He has published papers in other part of philosophy, too—in particular: epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of action. More recently, he has become interested in real-world policy debates, and his teaching and research have drifted towards the intersection of ethics, politics, and economics. (Maybe ethics is more useful than he thought?)
You can read Daniel’s papers in such journals as MindNoûsPhilosophy & Phenomenological ResearchJournal of Philosophy, and Politics, Philosophy & Economics. For more, including a guide to publishing in philosophy, see his personal website (