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Chapel Hill Metaethics Workshop

February 28 @ 5:00 pm - March 1 @ 11:00 pm

This is a small read-ahead research workshop to discuss works in progress that brings in number of metaethicists from around the country. This year we will be discussing papers by Alisabeth Ayars (British Columbia), Jamie Dreier (Brown), Stephanie Leary (McGill), Connie Rosati (Texas/Austin), and Christine Tiefensee (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management),

Out of town participants include Chris Blake-Turner (Oklahoma State), Sarah Buss (Michigan/AnnArbor), Ian Cruise (Alabama), Julia Driver (Texas/Austin), Robert Johnson (Missouri), Kathryn Lindeman (South Carolina), Sarah McGrath (Princeton), Peter Railton (Michigan/Ann Arbor), Keshav Singh (Alabama), Justin Snedegar (Virginia),  and Sigrún Svavarsdottir (Tufts),

Each session will be 1.5 hours, starting off with a brief reminder of the main line of argument from the author, but mostly given over to discussion.  Wrapped around the sessions are less formal opportunities for the discussion, including dinner on Friday and a dinner party on Saturday.

Sponsored by the UNC Philosophy Department, and the Institute for Arts and Humanities.


February 28 @ 5:00 pm
March 1 @ 11:00 pm
Event Categories:


Geoff Sayre-McCord
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