UNC-King’s College Conference
There is a short news article on the recent UNC-King’s College Conference HERE.
There is a short news article on the recent UNC-King’s College Conference HERE.
Great interview with Philosophy major Maggie Clark on the UNC Admissions Blog: http://unc-admissions.blogspot.com/2012/06/to-be-or-not-to-bea-philosophy-major.html
May 24, 2012: The UNC Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry Research Group has won the 2012 Alan Stoudemire Award for Innovation and Excellence in Psychosomatic Medicine Education. The award is granted by the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Dr. Stoudemire was one of the founders of … Read more
Congratulations to team members Susie Wear, Stephan Grabner, Nathan Westmoreland, Jason Gaister, and Alex Jakubsen!
Philosophy has (once again) been identified as among the “Strongest Programs” at UNC.
Iskra Fileva discusses “Character and its Discontents” on The Opinion Pages of the NY Times, here:http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/character-and-its-discontents/
Fifth year graduate student Jim Sias has recently won the prestigious 2012 Tanner Teaching Assistants Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.
The Chapel Hill Philosophy Outreach Program has won an Award from theAmerican Philosophical Association to support our efforts to bring philosophy out into the community.
More info about events and happenings in the department and the philosophical community at large: http://www.facebook.com/UNCPhilosophy
Professor Bill Lycan was interviewed on “The State of Things,” today on WUNC (91.5 FM), to discuss the subject of consciousness (Thursday, Sept. 22, at 12:06 p.m.) Visit http://wunc.org/programs/tsot/ for more information, including archives of past programs.