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A faculty member of UNC Chapel Hill’s Philosophy Department, Dr. Luc Bovens, is a recipient of this year’s J. Carlyle Sitterson Award for Teaching First-Year Students. 

“Professor Bovens has reimagined how to introduce first-year students to philosophical thinking through his innovative approach to ethics education. By weaving together short stories, current events, and social science research, he creates an accessible gateway to ethical discourse that resonates deeply with students. His innovative approach begins on day one, when students collectively shape their syllabus from his extensive collection of short stories and research papers, setting the tone for a truly collaborative learning experience. Students consistently praise his ability to create an environment where even the most challenging topics become opportunities for growth and understanding.  In a testament to his transformative impact, one student reflected, “I truly believe I am a more worldly and complex thinker because of this class.””

Read more: here.

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